
My journey began on my 19th birthday when I gave birth to identical twin girls.

In that moment, I knew I wanted to create a better life for myself and my children. After some trial and error and exploring different ideas, I realized that being my own boss was 100% in alignment with my vision. That realization changed everything, and my life and business took off.

However, the journey wasn’t all 🍑 peaches and 🌹 roses. Just a few years ago, I had to leave a toxic situation, abandoning everything—my business, my website, all of my belongings, my cherished Christmas ornaments, and all my money—in order to regain my life.

I found myself with nothing: No Business, No money, No Income, No home. I had NOTHING.

Through intense inner work and seeking the support I needed and continued faith in GOD!

I rediscovered my voice, confidence, and inner power.

This transformation enabled me to relaunch my business on my own terms, with a mission to empower other women to do the same and to achieve it together.

Today, I guide, inspire, and teach women how to create a business and mindset that set them free. I’m on a mission to help women who want to make a difference and fulfill their dreams of becoming brilliant CEOs.

With over 20 years of experience in team building, sales training, and coaching, I help you combine strategy, confidence, and your inner magnetism to live life on your own terms.

Let’s create a brilliant life and business that gives us the luxury we desire and the freedom we deserve.

Hello Gorgeous,

I’m Nina Rosengreen 💖

I’m a Mindset Shift Expert, Profit Generation Strategist & Personal Brand Fanatic for Driven Entrepreneurs! Beyond my professional life, I’m a wife, mother of four, grandma, dog mom, foodie, adventure seeker, high achiever, rebel, and freedom lover.

A few of the words I live by are love, freedom, and joy.


My life experiences and choices have sculpted me into the woman, wife, mom, and entrepreneur I am today.

Despite some traumatizing events, I wouldn’t change a thing. It was these experiences that have equipped me with knowledge and unshakeable confidence!